Presidential Meet and Greet in Malta

db San Antonio Hotel + Spa Triq it-Turisti, St Paul's Bay, Malta

Meet Warnborough President, Dr Brenden Tempest-Mogg, and Vice-President, Dr Julian Ng, at the db San Antonio Hotel and Spa as they gear up for the IVETA Europe Conference in May. Pay for your own drinks and meals. This is an informal event.

Graduation 2019

Clagett Auditorium Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom

If you are graduating this year, why not join us in Canterbury? The event will be held at the Clagett Auditorium in the Canterbury Cathedral Lodge within the Cathedral precincts. For more details and to book, please visit this link.


Alumni Meetup: Moscow

We are looking to reconnect with our Russian alumni in Moscow. Could be a dinner or just simply networking. Ideas are very welcome at this planning stage.

3rd Transnational Meeting for ERASMUS+ Pro-VET Project

Warnborough College Ireland (WCI) joins its 11 university partners across Europe, Serbia and Russia for the third transnational meeting for the ERASMUS+ co-funded Pro-VET Project in Tver, Russia. This time around, WCI will be leading the training on e-learning platforms, focusing on issues such as how to create engaging content, reaching students in geographically-diverse areas, […]

Alumni Meetup: St Petersburg, Russia

We are looking to reconnect with our Russian alumni in St Petersburg, Russia. Could be a dinner or just simply networking. Ideas are very welcome at this planning stage.

Skillman International Forum 2019

Fortezza da Basso Viale Filippo Strozzi, 1, Firenze, FI, Italy

SIF – SKILLMAN.EU INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2019 on “Curriculum design, Sectoral skills development and Ethical issues on Advanced Manufacturing sector” – October 10th and 11th 2019. In 2019, the SIF will be hosted in Florence, Italy, at the national fair on education DIDACTA, promoted by INDIRE (the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research) of the Italian Ministry of […]
