Futureland INCLUSION2 Conference in Malta

Futureland2024 - A Unique Learning Festival

Futureland2024 in Malta

Warnborough College Ireland organised and ran a unique learning festival as part of the INCLUSION2 project called ‘Futureland’ from 19-20 April 2024 in Valletta, Malta.

The event was hosted at the historic Fort St Elmo, originally built and repurposed by the Knights of Malta in the 16th century. The learning festival and conference was run alongside our partners Aeres University of Applied Science, DHOS Brugge, and the Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School in Paola.

Futureland was opened by Dr Kenneth Vella, before Warnborough CEO, Dr Julian Ng, set the tone for the learning festival by talking about trends in education and posing various questions. 

Hands-On Workshop-Led Event

The biggest difference with this learning festival was the large component of hands-on workshops. We felt that rather than take the usual approach of one-way communication, it would be better for all participants to get involved in their own learning.

Meeting and Networking

Participants came from around the world including from countries such as Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Ireland, Malta, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the USA.

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